Walking around is nice, it's pretty and there was free red bull!
but I did notice one strange anomaly. While walking around Gamestop, showing off my Guitar Hero abilities, I saw this:
Hmm......does that seem odd to anyone else? Water fountains in the middle of a store? Not even in Texas.
Other than that, I went and saw my friend James show last night at the Alley Theatre downtown. He wrote it, and it was put on by professional actors, and it was FANTASTIC. By far the best one there. No doubt he'll do great things at NYU.
MIT in exactly 14 days.
Other than that, I went and saw my friend James show last night at the Alley Theatre downtown. He wrote it, and it was put on by professional actors, and it was FANTASTIC. By far the best one there. No doubt he'll do great things at NYU.
MIT in exactly 14 days.
The bubblers look really weird there actually. It would really amuse me/bother me if I went into the store with those there. Looking at them, I would probably thing "wow that's kinda funny looking" but as soon as I'd want to look at something in that corner I'd probably be thinking something along the lines of "wow, these things are really invasive!"
Oh Jeremy, when will you learn that they are not bubblers. They are water fountains.
(And for the record, it's pop, not soda. :D)
Or is it tonic?
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